Friday, February 8, 2008

The Wrath of the West

A few weeks ago the Texas Observer ran an interesting story on the ever- graceful State Rep Kino Flores (CradDick D-36).

As most know, for the first time since he took office in 1996, Flores is facing a strong opponent in Sandra Rodriguez, a former board member of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District and former juvenile probation officer who is being backed by Annie's List, a statewide political network that recruits, trains and financially supports Democratic women candidates so that they are credible contenders.

The article seemed to shine a different light on Kino Flores and his politics. Below are a few excerpts from the January 25 article.

Easing back in a chair in his Mission office, Flores didn’t deny he’s a browbeater, but he said he doesn’t use that tactic on people in the district. “There are some people I can bully, and I can beat the dog shit out of, and I can run off—like the lottery directors. I’ve gone through two lottery directors that I had squeezed their nuts and fired them, but not the guy on First and Matamoros.

“Cojones,” he said, is his political style in Austin. “I use them. I am not afraid to use them.”

Ok, in Austin you gotta play tough to get things done, hey if its brings in the funds and attention needed in the valley, then so be it. Right?

He is running on his record, he said, but has “everything and anything” he needs to go after Rodriguez’s husband, a former three-term state district judge who did not seek re-election. “I haven’t accused him of anything,” Flores said, “but I have a boxful, ready to go.”

"She’s got kids. She’s got these kids that are at home, that have no blame whatsoever. They don’t need to be worrying about what their mother is going to go through, or their father. You know, if she wants to go there, that’s her bag.”

Nice Mr. Representative Flores, who are you running against? Oh, silly me, I don't understand politics, Cojones, Cojones. Can't reach your target so you hit 'em where it hurts- la familia. Not a bad tactic now is it Mr.
Representative? Should Rodriguez dig up some dirt on your father (mayor of Sullivan City) and father in-law (mayor of Palmview)? Don't see how classy or effective that would be, actually, it would probably pretty damn shitty, but fair. Si?..
Wait, there's more.

Rodriguez said Flores promoted a slate of candidates in the May 2007 La Joya Independent School Board elections that a state district judge ended up voiding because of irregularities. “(Flores) spent many, many days and weeks getting himself involved in a school board election instead of being out there working for the people,” Rodriguez said. Rather than focusing on his responsibilities as a legislator, she said, “he was taking care of his own needs out here.”
Flores said the criticism is just politics. He shrugged off the voided election as “a judge in the pocket, that’s all it is.”

Wow! A judge in the pocket? Mr. Representative
Flores , you sure does have you some loud cojones.

That must be a mighty deep and powerful pocket to stretch beyond Judge Hinojosa and onto three other judges outside of the valley. Yesterday The Monitor's Sara Perkins reported that “the Texas appeals court upheld the overturn of La Joya ISD's school board election.”

4 judges, sir, not just 1, 4. Perhaps Mr. Representative Flores, you should demand that $5,000 taken from your campaign to pay Gonzalez-Ochoa attorney Adam Poncio
for this lovely battle be returned to your campaign fund. Texas Ethics Commision, Schedule F, Pg.102.


Anonymous said...

Until the local media start reporting the real story, Kino and Company will continue their bullying tactics. He makes The Duke of Duval look like a Boy Scout. The whole football program fiasco is one good example. The booster club had no business allowing this scmucks picture on the front page alongside our football kids and also they let him buy the backcover out from Dr. Saenz, who for many years has supported the La Joya Football teams while Kino was sitting at the Mission football games. I'll bet he still hasn't paid for it, for it was not listed on his campaign expenditure list. To add insult to injury his kids didn't/don't attend La Joya Schools, they attended/attend Mission Schools.

Anonymous said...

This bully turns my stomach with his gutter language, like the kids say "que asco" I'm helping Sandra Rodriguez with her campaign because I know she is the better candidate. God willing she will win.

Anonymous said...

Kino needs to stop his juvenile conduct, last night at Sandra Rodriguez function in Palmview his huge flotilla of 6 vehicles were passing by and honking and yelling like idiots, we do not do that at his pathetic functions, he need to go get some dignity somewhere. Oh, I forgot you can't buy that.