Monday, August 27, 2007

Well It's About Darn Time!

This just announced: Alberto Gonzalez, "the nation's first Hispanic attorney general, announced his resignation Monday — ending a nasty, months long standoff over his honesty and competence at the helm of the Justice Department."

First Hispanic AG and he had to be a screw up, even worse, he was appointed by Bushy #2. That is fanfreakintastic! Will there be anyone left in Bush's cabin by 2008?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Another Bush Star Falls

Karl Rove, the grand mastermind behind the Republican success in 2004, will join the ranks of Rummy, C. Pow, Ashcroft, and others, as he leaves the woefully distraught Bush admin. at the end of August.

According to the AP

After a lengthy hug from Bush and then his wife, Laura, Rove joined them on the president's helicopter. Rove, his wife and their son were flying with Bush on Air Force One to Texas, where the president is vacationing.

Say what? Another Bush vacation? It's good to be President of the U.S. The boys will likely hang out at the Bushy ranch and marvel about the fact that Rove escaped an indictment (but not public prosecution) for leaking a CIA agent's name.

Karl Rove, hated by many, revered by others, was no doubt a damn good and shrewd political strategist, much of Bush's success was owed to him. You know what else? Karl Rove, the brain behind our brilliant president, has no college degree.