LA JOYA ISD. Definite Jewel of Shame
The courts ruled that election misconduct had indeed occured in the May 2007 LJISD School Board election that pitted incumbent Elma Garza and former LJISD board member Domingo Villareal, Jr. against incumbent, Arturo Gonzalez and new-comer Espy Ochoa. Irregularities, intimidation tactics and a great deal of incompetence was prevalent in the May election, so much so that a district judge and the Texas 13th District Court of Appeals deemed the election null and void and called for Hidalgo County to conduct another election.
A series of negative, front page headlines since 2006; blatant nepotism, an overpaid lawyer (360K per year, the highest in the valley) that may have been hired to funnel his school salary to campaign funds, along with a necessary do-over election due to the lack of "freedom and fairness" did not deter 2.500 residents from electing Arturo Gonzalez, Jr. and Espy Ochoa to the La Joya ISD Board of Directors. Ochoa and Gonzalez won their election fairly- the second time around.
But what do the numbers really tell us? A few weeks ago a Gonzalez-Ochoa supporter stated "We're going to triple those votes to prove that we need justice for everything in our school system,"
Triple, eh?
Recently, a woman by the name of Sandra Rodriguez gave the "GO-USA" ringleader Kino Flores, a long-time State Rep. with a strong financial war chest, what could be considered the fight of his life. Were it not for the financial support of buddy CradDick and other republican lobbyist buds, Flores may not have been able to hold his seat another term.
- In 2006 when Rita "big mouth" Uresti, Fito "I hate liars"Salinas, and Johnn Alaniz first took office they did so with more than 1,000 voes.
- May 2007, Espy and Arturo G may or may not have won by less than 400 votes;
- March 25, 2008, the "GO-USA" team led with way less than 150 votes.
What brought this 2 questionable candidates to victory last night? Was it voter's self-gratification? fear? retaliation? Blind faith?
Oh wait, I know...... it was definitely the irresistible, classy charm displayed by Rita Uresti and Fito Salinas.
I beg to differ on the reasons of why these two candidates won by a very narow margin. Here goes the reason, they were driven by hatred and greed,the ringleader by greed and his followers by hate, they have managed to insult, belittle, and humiliate so many people that entire families have been torn apart, because of this group. They are blindly following a man that is leading them more and more into destruction, and one day they will regret it.
What kind of person would call a candidate and tell him, "now my revenge against your family will start" ? Irene Garcia, yes ladies and gentleman's she's the epitome of evil, I wonder if she's even a human being, so much hate and revenge in the heart of a person makes people wonder.
What kind of person would call a candidate and tell him, "now my revenge against your family will start" ? Irene Garcia, yes ladies and gentleman's she's the epitome of evil, I wonder if she's even a human being, so much hate and revenge in the heart of a person makes people wonder.
Shame on the teacher's union for supporting this group of crooks, they are supposed to be neutral and for the assistance and benefit of the employees, they get a substancial amount of money from every paycheck of their members. This money is not so they can endorse political candidates running for the school board, their first and uppermost obligation is for the employees, which they neglect and instead they focus their resources on candidates that have not in any way helped the employees of the district. I challenge anyone to go to their offices on 8 street in mcallen and check how their walls are full of kino's pictures, it looks like a shrine to an icon. They have confused their duties and are damaging the union's reputation. On election day they had Luna as a poll watcher, and another one in La Joya, this was an illegal act since they are not registered voters of the district, and so the union is now also breaking the law to help their candidates, shame on them and they will be reported to Austin because they need to be brought back to what the union is about.
It was an amazing sight to see Don King and State Rep Kino herding people to vote like unthinking cattle. Politiqueros of the Year! The dimwit cattle are the looooosers!
If kino and the she devil had left people alone to vote by themselves, they would have got maybe, 50 votes including theirs. What is kino gonna do when her mother in law goes bye , bye straight to hell? I don't think Debbie is that evil, if she was she would have left that unfaithful husband a long time ago. So she can't take her place, maybe Elma Garcia, she is getting closer to be like Irene.
Hey the monitor just violated our most precious right, the freedom of speech. Apparently some people complained,(the kinos) and now if you want to comment you have to register and leave a valid address, ha ha, like who's gonna do that when many times your job is on the line. That is if you upset the kinos. I predict the monitor will lose a lot of readers.
I meant to say a valid e mail address, so they can track you down if you offend the kinos. So is this editor kinos friend or what?
Hey, I like your music. Any news on indictments for Johnn Alanis and Rita Uresti, and of course Aida Rivas?
Actually, I have to agree with The Monitor on this one. Many of those comments and comments on other articles were out of hand on both sides of the issue. Slander, inflammatory comments, and direct attacks seemed to become more common place on that comments field.
You can still post your comments, but you just have to provide a valid e-mail address (which is the norm for most forums). This small inconvenience will cut down most of those comments.
Most people would not provide their e mail address when they are reporting wrongdoings of the higher positioned people for fear of retaliation and loss of their job. Why would anybody want to have a mode of id if not for getting back at that person, or to put them under pressure at work. I'm just alluding here to the sections that pertained to the La Joya school election, where numerous "hurtful" comments were targeted to the usa, go, and kino's team. And I know for a fact that they were bitterly complaining to the editor, because yes, while the comments were out of place and personal, the majority were true and there's a saying that goes, "the truth hurts" and it made them look really bad. Anyway this is the first time I seen this on a newspaper, usually they fight censorship to the highest court, and they protect the source to the death, some journalist have gone to jail rather than reveal who they got their information from. So to me this is really weird.
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Eden Ramirez, when are you gonna start your movement to clean up? I want to sign in.
Volunteer, for a better La Joya school district.
Keel takes blog complaint to attorney general
Republican wants the state's top lawyer to intervene in his dispute with Democratic consultant and blogger Kelly Fero.
By Laylan Copelin
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Republican Terry Keel wants the state's top lawyer to intervene in his dispute with Democratic consultant and blogger Kelly Fero.
Keel, who is parliamentarian for the Texas House, argues in a new complaint that two Democratic prosecutors in Travis County can't be impartial and that Attorney General Greg Abbott, a Republican, should investigate whether Fero misrepresented himself when he anonymously blogged about a campaign he worked for.
Keel is objecting to a posting that claimed he was actively supporting Mindy Montford over Rosemary Lehmberg in the Democratic runoff for Travis County district attorney. Lehmberg won the runoff April 8; she doesn't face a Republican opponent in the November general election.
Keel is arguing that Fero, as a paid campaign consultant to Lehmberg, violated the state's truth-in-political-advertising laws. Keel said the posting is false; Fero defends it as accurate but declines to identify his source.
A criminal violation would be a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
Keel's newest filing at the Texas Ethics Commission comes after Keel filed a criminal complaint with Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, who handed it off to County Attorney David Escamilla.
Keel also requested a special prosecutor, saying Earle and Escamilla both supported Lehmberg with political donations. In Escamilla's case, Keel said, the county attorney also is financially backing state Rep. Valinda Bolton, D-Austin, whom Keel's sister-in-law is challenging this fall.
With his newest filing, Keel is escalating the behind-the-scenes tug-of-war over who will investigate the case. The Ethics Commission can refer a case for criminal prosecution but seldom does.
Escamilla denied that his political activities cause a conflict of interest legally.
But, he added, "I'm sensitive to any perception that we might not handle any of our business in fair manner. So far they haven't formally complained to me about any conflicts of interest."
Keel disagreed, saying his objection to Escamilla handling the case were mentioned in the original complaint, in a letter to an administrative judge that was copied to the county attorney's office and in an April 7 meeting with Escamilla's staff.
"That's just untrue," Keel said. "We made that a priority."
Austin lawyer Buck Wood, who represents Fero, said that his client has violated no laws and that Keel is filing another complaint just to keep the issue alive.
"The only way he can seem to keep it alive is to find a friendly forum," Wood said.
So far Abbott has not gotten involved.
"At this point, the matter is before the county attorney," said Jerry Strickland, Abbott's press secretary. "Our office is not involved."
Except in special circumstances, the attorney general typically stays out of local criminal investigations unless the local prosecutor invites him to join.
In this case, Keel's lawyer is arguing that state law gives the attorney general jurisdiction, a proposition that Wood disagrees with.
"The whole idea that the AG would be interested is ludicrous," Wood said.; 445-3617
Love your music ! Hey what happened with the La Joya city elections? I heard the people conducting the elections did a really bad job and were allowing people from all over the world to vote in La Joya. Feel sorry for you all it seems like you are stuck with those unscrupulous individuals for a long time. You all should move out of there like me, La Joya is not what it used to be anymore. What a shame.
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