It's a Wrap- for now... La Joya ISD Update
Judge heard closing arguments from lawyers on both side of the La Joya ISD School Board election challenge. Looks like the challengers presented a good case, the strongest being the fact that over 500 people OUTSIDE of the district did indeed vote in this district. (that means ILLEGAL votes) Both Garza and Villarreal lost their elections by little under 400 votes.
Lawyers for La Joya ISD had a difficult time challenging a few arguments, - they called only 1 witness on their behalf. It is now up to Judge Hinojosa to determine whether or not the evidence presented should warrant a new election.
Meanwhile, the La Joya School Board will be having a meeting tonight at their Central Office Board room at 6:30.
I believe there should be a new schoo l elections for obvious reasouns. I would like go know what reason people may have to continue support for Kino Flores. I see what he has done with the "new" school board under his power. Ok, Billy Leo is no saint, I belive his misteake was that he gave too much faith to his poweholders- it happens, how can you really cntrol someone in office? It is a tricky situation. But, jst as people blamed him for everything that went wrong, then Kino, in one year, is to be the worst controller jerk head of this kind. No GO USA.. They suck
ooops... I posted before the spell check.I hate when that happens
Anonymous said...
I believe there should be a new school election for obvious reasons. I would like to know what reason people may have to continue support for Kino Flores. I see what he has done with the "new" school board under his power. Ok, Billy Leo is no saint, I believe his mistake was that he gave too much faith to his powerholders- it happens, how can you really control someone in office? It is a tricky situation. But, just as people blamed him for everything that went wrong, then Kino, in one year, is to be the worst controller jerk head of this kind. No GO USA.. They suck
October 10, 2007 11:03 PM
I'm a student at STC hoping to major in eduction, and I also have 3 sons attending LJ ISD. I am saddened and sickened all at once to read in the news all the crap going on with the district. No one seems to care about the children attending LJ schools. It's all about greed and power. I tend to voice my opinion about these loonies all the time, and some people have asked that I watch what I say if I hope to one day have a teaching job in LJ. I was not aware that Fidel Castro ran our school board! On a positive note, my 5 year old's principal, Mr. Joe Garcia is doing an outstanding job at Camarena Elem. He goes above and beyond the call of duty every day. I am not sucking up, I just want to focus on the few good people in the district.
From one brainy diva to another, don't worry about speaking your mind. These fools have the district so messed up that there are not very many people who want to work for the district so they are basically hiring any warm body. Joe Garcia is doing ok because he has a good area to work with. Let him go work in the low socio economic area and I doubt he would do as well. There are schools in the district that are sorely lacking in funds, and this is a travesty because those are the children who need it the most. The students in these areas are having to be in closets for classrooms because there is no space. The district needs to get rid of whoever is in charge of rezoning because they obviously don't know what they are doing. I could go on and on, because I have worked and lived in the district for so long, but I would run out of time to sleep and eat!
I totally agree with you...I mean has anyone been to Bentsen Elementary? It is a shame that our district allows students to attend such a run down building. Stop building new schools and fix the existing ones! Bentsen Elementary is a disgrace to La Joya ISD.
People you all should make some time and attend at least one school board meeting, so you can see how the president Rita Uresti conducts the meetings like her own personal little circus. Money issues and budget concerns are only challenged by board member Joel and he is promptly shut down by Rita with bogus numbers and an attitude of arrogance. Rita, Johnn,Arturo,Fito,and Esperanza need to GO soon, before they destroy the whole district with their greediness.
I don't attend school board meetings, but I do watch them on channel 17. You are right. I have seen where Rita jumps from one item to another with no thought to someone "Nay"ing the vote. Also, Joel is not the only one to challenge Team USA, Mr. Aguilar also speaks his mind, and he does this pretty diplomatically with respect to all. I honestly believe the district is going to be bankrupt before too long. The district was in the black before these fools came into power. I know the previous board had it's faults, (can you say Lucrecio?) but for the most part, it was pretty decent. Lucrecio lacked common sense and people skills, and he was the downfall of Billy Leo's leadership. I think Billy has learned who his real friends are and that he needs to stop being so naive about peoples' intentions.
I honestly would attend those meetings if I felt it would make a difference, but I'm really disappointed in the system. It feels like talking to a brick wall. Everyone on the board is looking out for themselves. Every once in a while someone remembers the kids. I used to admire and look up to the people in team USA before they got there. They were interested in continuing their education to show us that you should never stop learning. Now, all that knowledge is overshadowed by greed and a nasty addiction to power.
What? No comments? Doesn't anyone have anything to say about yesterday's ruling? I guess someone covered your mouth, or taped your fingers together, in this case. I hope now the people will get off their butts and truly go and vote, because I for one am tired of my taxes going into one large piggy bank that some people use as their personal account. I don't know for a fact, but if these ladies that work for our school district attorney ARE making over 5 grand a month, then that really pisses me off because I went to the trouble of getting a college education and I don't even make that much money, and teachers who have worked far more years than I have are barely making that much. That is BULLS--- and I want these leeches off of the districts' payroll. I do not agree that you can make that much money and not have any kind of education to back it up, at least not if you are working in education . Now, if you have your own business, or someone feels that you deserve that much working for them, that's fine, but TEAM USA stressed the importance of having educated people work for the district, and then we have the daughter of a board member conveniently working for the lawyer that is representing the school district and she's making THAT much money? That's just not right. Not only is it not right, it's the ultimate hypocrisy.
Concerned Taxpayer
Concerned taxpayer, Roberto Jackson agreed to pay that much if they hired him as the ditrict's attorney, he used to be on Billy's group but Billy and his friends on the board never wanted to hire him, for several reasons. One of the main reasons being that they knew him very well and knew that he was/is lazy and INCOMPETENT. They had Montalvo at a much lower rate with a full equiped office of experts, plus Montalvo has a lot of experience. so therefore this men aligned himself with Fito Salinas and Kino Flores to take over the control of the board, get hired and hire the daughter's of Fito and Arturo, that is why his salary is so high and he cannot produce an itemized bill, like Mr.Garcia and Mr. Aguilar asked him to. Now on top of that they have to pay Mauro Reyna another attorney because Jackson has to hide from the public, in other words he is getting a check for nothing, he gets paid, pays the daughters and laughs all the way to the bank with your money and my money and everybody's money. Go to the administration building and ask for information on his salary just fill the open records form, and ask them why isn't he working if he's getting paid. He spends his days eating at restaurants and having parties at the lake, and thats all he does, and he loves it and makes fun of us, the dumb ignorant people, as he calls everybody.
Has anyone ever noticed that the only people leaving comments are ones who have something negative to say? Then we wonder why we're in the mess we're in. Look in the mirror people. And what you see is exactly what the kids see. They don't have to turn on the news to see what's going on with the Board. All they have to do is look at their teachers. Now, that's a shame.
To Anonymous 4:48,
Despite all the hoopla going on in our district, we the teachers ARE still doing our job, and I for one do not bring my personal feelings to my classroom. I give my students %110, despite lacking the proper materials needed to teach them. I can walk with my head held high because I have worked hard for my education, despite many obstacles, and I can honestly tell you that the check I earn is well deserved. My students come to class happy to see me in the morning, and groan at the end of the day when they have to leave. Can you say that about your job or the people you work with? I am concerned about what is going on, and highly irritated, because the money these people are blowing like there is no tomorrow is meant to educate the students that are entrusted to me. Do you know how difficult it is to try to teach 25-30 students at a time, with few materials? Until you have walked in my shoes, I suggest you keep your comments about teachers to your self. What is a shame is the attitude you and others like you share. I don't think what I have to say is negative, it is MY opinion, and I am entitled to it since I am a citizen, a La Joya ISD taxpayer, and also an employee. Why is it that when someone gives their opinion about something, it is automatically viewed as negative. Just because I disagree with the goings on in the district doesn't make me wrong. We as a district are in the mess we are in because we allowed people to influence us with their charisma, promises, and most of all LIES. Next time be informed before jumping to conclusions about a person. And by the way, I did support USA, but I have come to realize that the fact of the matter is that they were only in it for themselves. I saw the writing on the wall as soon as they started promoting family members and friends, and THEN came the big payouts to them. Tell me this doesn't not bother you. If you live in the district and your taxes is going to all this, it HAS to bother you. Unless you are also benefiting from their rise to power. I myself owe nothing to anyone. I have my job because of my own tenacity and brains. Can you say the same?
Concerned Taxpayer
To Concerned Taxpayer....
I have and continue to be in your shoes. I have had to worry about teaching 25 students..without materials provided by the district or support. But as educators, we know that we will not have support all of the time. I am well aware. I am aware that parents are not there for their children, administrators are not there for their teachers. And it's not about who anybody supports. It's about the fact that people are indeed negative. And as you stated, I too am entitled to my opinion. Negativity is flowing all over the district. Division is stronger now than ever. And the only ones that should matter...the students...are being put on the backburner. I'm not here supporting USA. My comments were based on what I read. They were not based on me benefiting. My comments were based on sadness for the community of La Joya.
I wonder if the 94 million dollar bond will pay for Jackson's parties at the lake??? If so, I want an invitation, buddy. I don't pay for parties I don't get invited to. Next time invite all the taxpayers...even the "uneducated" ones, sweetie. Maybe if we didn't have to fork over an arm and a leg in taxes for Jackson's salary we'd be able to pay our tuition.
And the worst insult to all of us is that, Roberto Jackson doesn't even work! Mauro Reyna is taking his place now,BUT he still gets paid because from his salary he has to pay Fito salinas and Arturo gonzalez daughter that work for him at his office in palmview. He gets to do whatever he wants because he's the little darling of Rita uresti and Fito salinas, and a very good friend of Kino. So now were are paying him and on top of that we are paying Mauro Reyna, isn't that just great, they are all a bunch of incompetents. Except Garcia and Aguilar that try to stop this mess , to no avail, unfortunately.
All you anti USA teachers should spend your time teaching and not running your fat ass mouths. If you feel so strongly about your something about it. You obviously feel empowered by your insults so why don't you and all of the other negative bloggers stand up publicly, be noticed and run for office. Oh...poor Joel, poor Joe and Please..poor Billy? Pull your heads out of your asses ladies and get with the program. Spend your time being productive and positive for a change. And to the anonymous LJISD Teacher..YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE A PART OF THIS ADMINISTRATION! You can blame the District for one thing though...For hiring a snake in the grass like YOU! Hopefully your days are numbered. I look forward to ANYONES comments. BRING IT!
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