"I Hate Liars" LOL...
"What kind of idots do you have running this place?¨
The finest in La Joya!
La Joya ISD Election Ruled Void
Musings on the politics and happenings in the Rio Grande Valley and other world blabs.
"What kind of idots do you have running this place?¨
The finest in La Joya!
La Joya ISD Election Ruled Void
Posted by Harmonious Anarchist at 4:51 PM
I guess the most ridiculous staments would be the one from Fito, "I hate liars" and the one from Rita Ureti" there's a new sheriff in town". So now Fito hates all his friends including Kino, and Rita will have to arrest herself and her friends for lying on the stand in a court of law. These people are so, blinded by hate and vengeance that cannot pause a few seconds to think about what they are gonna say. Shame on them for dragging La Joya through the mud.
Honestly, I think Rita meant well when she started out and then suddenly it all got out of control. as a former teacher, she knows what teachers need to reach their students. SHe was a damn good teacher and i know this for a fact because i was an assistant working in the same grade level. oh, and she never made us teacher aides feel like the maids or personal assistants. she was always respectful of all of us. If she hadn't given her hubby that posh position in the district, people would take her seriously. i still prefer having her in control rather than the Leo's. they already have enough control over la joya.
I strongly disagree about Uresti. The woman entered that position with 2 very messed up things in mind.
1. to Fire Mrs. Leo because she was angry with her for removing her husband as a principal when they discovered he had not renewed the certificate in 6 years. I find it completely ridiculous that she would even blame everyone EXCEPT her husband for his stupidity.
2. The obvious, to promote her unqualified husband to asst. sup.
of HR.
Think what you will of the Leos, but the fact of the matter is that the district was doing good and getting better while she was Supt. They claimed that the previous board mismanaged funds, however, no details were really provided as to what they meant by "mismanagement." It doesn't take a financial expert to know that Rita and her friends are abusing funds, fulfilling their own agendas, and ignoring all what's good for schools, teachers, and students.
It's only 5 board members and their friends that are getting the jobs and huge salaries, especially Fito, Rita, Arturo, and Roberto Jackson. They now plan to hire 2 people to "assist" the lazy anany kino's sister, who according to some people gets into her office falls asleep and starts snoring. One of their close friends a Reynaldo Contreras who they hired to work at transportation, has been charged with sexual assault, and bodily harm by one of the bus drivers. She filed the charges and also filed a grievance with the district, I bet they don't tell nobody that, they all point fingers and call people liars when in reality they are the liars and criminals, one by one all af them will be shown for what they really are.
If Rita Uresti is such a good person and qualified to be a member of the board, then why does she allow for such ridiculous decisions such as; the hiring of unqualified people at very high salaries, the hiring of people as payback for political favors, the hiring of relatives of other board members and herself that are not competent at very high salaries (two examples, Roberto Jackson and her husband). Also she said she was going to bring about changes to the district and so far the only changes that we have seen are changes that benefit her directly and also benefit her friends such as Kino Flores, Fito Salinas and so on. She also said "there's a new Sheriff in town" and that led us to believe that she was a law abiding citizen, but lo and behold, we saw her lie shamelessly under oath in a court of law, and she lost any shred of credibility that she might still had, I could go on and on but I'll be here for hours. Suffice it to say that her USA and GO team are not what people thought, we don't want them in charge of nothing anymore, they are corrupt and they do lie.
According to Uresti and Kino they claimed that they got into the La Joya school board to help the students, so how come now the elementary's school budget went down from having more than enough money to less than half of the money, and they are struggling to get by with so little money. They also cut down on transportation for the kids in some of the elementary's so now they cannot stay for tutoring, and we know that kids need all the help they can get. So is that how they are helping the children? So far most of the so called "change" they promised is nothing but lies, and the filling of their own pockets with our tax money that should be for the education of our children, shane on them all, including the superintendent "Dr" Benavidez, she also lied when she said she cared about our kids. We don't deserve this, we are not used to this treatment and disrespect, we had a better district when the Leo's were involved. People come out and VOTE lets get this bums out.
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