A call for Opinions
If you don't already know, well, the Harmonious Anarchist has developed an independent opinion which has rolled onto this blog... Now, i would like to know what you think of your valley reps. From Eddie Lucio (Brownsville,) or Representative Armando "Mando" Martinez; Aaron Pena, or Kino Flores,etc.....For one reason or another we want to elect or NOT reelect these folks into office. Why? Why not?
At the request of several, I ask of posts ***please keep them of POLITICAL IMPORTANCE8** so that the public understands your meaning in all causes. Any posts about affairs, parenting, or anything else i see to be insignificant or un-related to WILL be removed. So. please, stick to the facts. All other skeletons will be brought elsewhere.*****
I think overall the reps from the Valley are doing a good job. Most of the negative comments come from their challengers. I come from Elsa but now live north of Edinburg and am represented by Rep. Aaron Pena. Nearly everyone I know have no idea why this Eddie Saenz guy is running. Pena got our teachers and retired teachers pay increases and was key to getting the CHIP bill passed. We know the guy and he is better liked than his opponent who seems to go on one speed. I mean the guy with his recent troubles with the law has no place throwing dirt around. I enjoy your blog. Keep it coming.
I think the Valley Reps have overall done a pretty good job. You might not like Kino's personality but he gets the job done. Rep. Pena has always seemed upfront about why he is serving and he has done a pretty good job too. I think both Kino and Aaron will win easily. You can't outwork Kino and Eddie S is already a black eye for the community.
I agree with the comments that Pena will win easily here in Edcouch/Elsa like he did last time.
Since I'm from Kino's district I'll try to focus on what he is doing. Kino's record clearly shows that he is a strong advocate for meeting the needs of South Texas families; whether it’s fighting for cancer prevention, qualify more women for the state's Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program. or insuring our children.
I agree with previous postings; our Valley Reps. are doing a fine job at meeting the needs of the entire community. Austin-based political outsiders have a limited focus that may not encompass all of the values, principles, and priorities of those of us in South Texas. Our current delegation understand the needs of moms, abuelitas, our children, our Veterans and the business community of the Valley and their votes reflect that. My belief is that Kino has worked his way into a leadership position to effectively meet the needs of his district and to be a strong voice for South Texans at the Capitol.
BTW: Your music rocks.
It just seems too easy to just flippin' settle when it comes to our Valley reps.
I'm bummed out that Eddie Saenz probably blew his chances by getting that DWI, but you never know in the valley.
Aaron's 2007 environmental record is lower than some Republicans and definitely one of the lowest on the Democratic side, and some of the key votes he missed seemed a little too premeditated.
I hate hitching my wagon to the losing team, but I'm pulling for Eddie on this one.
I am a UTPA student and am pleased with the strong push Pena has done for our university. The wellness center rocks, the Science center money was important and I heard we are getting a new fine arts center. The guy is a regular on our campus and is approachable. I have to agree that this Saenz guy let alot of people down. I hate to see politicians pulling strings so that their above the law. It's bad enough he goes and hires the mayors son. Whats up with that.
I am a UTPA student and am pleased with the strong push Pena has done for our university. The wellness center rocks, the Science center money was important and I heard we are getting a new fine arts center. The guy is a regular on our campus and is approachable. I have to agree that this Saenz guy let alot of people down. I hate to see politicians pulling strings so that their above the law. It's bad enough he goes and hires the mayors son. Whats up with that.
All of you people advocating for rep Pena have good things to say about himbecause indeed he has been pepresenting you all, but what about US the people from La Joya and surrounding towns? As of this day a lot of people didn't even know he was our representative! A lot of people thought Kino was still representing us, and that was one of the reasons he was able to manipulate the school elections because people thought, well he knows what's best for us, ha Kino spends a lot of time time attending La Joya school events and such, his face is all over the football program, what is he doing here where he doesn't belong? And where is pena? they both should attend to their repective constituents and areas, stay where you belong, do good not just for you or for who you like.
Being that I live on the East side of KINO'S district I will be supporting him in his re-election.
As you we all can see, traffic in the RGV is getting bad. With that being said, he authored legislation with "Vehicle registration Fee." which will help fund transportation projects in Hidalgo County.
Being that I am X Military, he got the first Veterans Cemetery in the RGV which is in Mission and helped disabled vets with a property tax exemptions.
Last because he is in the House and Licensing Committee which works closely with the racing commission and helped in getting Hidalgo County a horse race track which will bring hundreds of jobs to the area.
Kino was raised in the La Joya area and so he continues to participate in what happens there. Rep. Pena does his part to make sure that good laws and policies are passed. Teacher pay raises and so forth. Pena to his credit does not get involved in local polititcs. Both reps try to work together for the area's benefit. Like alot of you I support Pena because he has fought for us veterans.
He has done good for our state parks.
Eddie Saenz is still hiding from telling the public the full truth of his DWI arrest. In a recent Pan American newspaper he says he's not talking because his attorney says to remain silent. Come on Saenz this is a load of crap tell us what happened. How did you get political players to curt you a special deal that no one else is entitled to.
I don't agree that Kino is doing a great job. What in the world has he done? He does only for Kino.
FYI, to help the flow here, I've deleted multiple entries of the same commentary. Everyone's posts are still up.
What about Ando con Mando is there anyone running against him?
Luv, luv, luv the music! Another reason to stop by...thanx!
Luv, luv, luv the music! Another reason to stop by...thanx!
This Eddie Saenz guy is trouble. The only way he can beat the ol' rep. is by trashing him. Only problem the guy is a drunk willing to bribe any politico that he needs to do his favors. Exhibit A is the Mission fiasco. But this sort of thing is old hat for Saenz. Just take a look in Pharr and see what he's done to our town. If I could vote in Edinburg I would do everything possible to keep Saenz away from our money.
Edinburg kicked him out to Pharr but they put up with him because he pays kick backs to the politicians with big donations.
he takes more than he gives. im from pharr and we know. ratas
Pena will win by a bigger percentage than last time 75% to 25% People will forgive a drunk driving arrest maybe but not a cover up.
Didn't he win by something like that last time.
Has anyone seen the mug shot or video of this guy from the Mission P.D.? Is it available on the internet, does anybody know. Maybe some of those police officers who leaked the cover up will make it available to us.
I did hear that the Saenz people is trying to cover it up.
Saenz has more troubles. His campaign manager just got arrested in the Delta area for burglary and beating a woman. This guy is going down fast.
Saenz is a failure in the making. Contributes to indicted Republican Senators, wastes more money in 04 than any other State Rep. candidate and only gets 35% of the vote, Gets a DWI and trys his darnest to cover it up! Thank god for honest police for rating the rat out, and last is seen in Boys Town, Mexico frequently! This man is the appidamy of Mafia gangster with the sole intention to rob and steal from the people of Dist. 40! God please help us if this man is elected.
On top of that the guy is a part of the big time corruption here in the Valley.
Great music.
The current state reps worked together to bring things to the valley this last session. If you replace one, it means that the newly elected rep will have to start from scratch. New reps typically pass 1 bill, if any. So, all the incumbents would have to do the hitting for the newbie if he or she wants anything done.
If we replace two reps, our chances at getting anything for the valley are small. If we get 3 new reps, just pack it up. It will take years for the valley to get anything from the state.
Any candidate who promises to change the world is giving a bunch of BS. It will take at least a couple of sessions before they are in a position to get anything done.
I disagree. Just because you pass one bill doesn't mean that is all the Valley or that particular district is going to get out of Austin. What you get isn't necessarily out of a legislative mandate but out of the appropriations bill which can allocate monies to a particular region for particular projects. Any newly elected official isn't going to throw a wrench into the program. Whoever is newly elected is just going to have to work a little bit harder for you and me.
Saenz was caught lying about his kickoff which was a big flop. On top of that he is under investigation for criminal wrongdoing.
Here is a link to Eddie Saenz's Missing 300 video. Can you found where he hid the 300 extra people he claims were there?
I am really happy I found this blog. Good Job. If we are talking about being effective in their positions there is no doubt that the RGV has some really effective State Reps for the time being. Lucio III kinda jumped off of Craddicks ship a little to early but his dad can help him out in the senate. Rene is solid because he has been there for so long. Escobar, he can get things done every now and then. Plus everybody knows he was in the border patrol. Mando messed up by not siding with Craddick. The real powerhouse Reps from the Valley are Ryan Guillen, Kino Flores, and Aaron Pena. All three of these guys have got some sway. Aaron does neglect Western Hidalgo Co. but Kino makes up for it because after all he was raised in Sullivan City. Kino has a reputation for being mean but he gets things done. Think of General Patton. Ryan has put on a clinic on how to be a politician, it is amazing how fast he climbed the ranks. Pretty much all RGV incumbents deserve to stay for another round but the three powerhouses are a MUST. Getting rid of those three boys would put the Valley in the old "knife at a gun fight" situation. If we want to continue enjoying all that we've gotten lately regardless of the fact that Republicans control Texas we have to stick to our guns. The big ones.
Ha Ha, the one that posted at 5:30 pm is probably Kino. Kino need to get the heck out the west we DO NOT WANT HIM, Mr. Pena shame on you for ignoring us, there is a God and what goes around comes around, those two will get what they deserve.
I agree Pena will get what he deserves - another successful term!
Eddie Saenz hired 9 eighteen wheeler trucks to block the entrance to Aaron Pena's kickoff. They tried to start a fight with the ECHO hotel staff and were finally scared off by the law enforcement officers at the representative's party.
Let's face it, Eddie Saenz is dirty and just like his trash blog E-News they will say and do anything to win. Low life's all of them.
Pena still had one of the best kickoffs.
I heard about that The guy is pitiful.
Mr Peña, now that Saenz has aligned himself with Roberto Jackson and Fito Salinas, I and my family will be voting for you. Anybody that hangs around those two can be considered losers, dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres.
April 8th, 2008
by Sara Perkins
The Monitor
For those waiting on the edges of their seats (ha):
After two weeks of trying to get Mission PD’s Lt. Garza on the phone (the whole department was occupied with arrangements for Cpl. Jose Rubio’s funeral, and so was I), I spoke to him this morning. He says the “first tape” — the dashcam from the first car, which pulled over Eddie Saenz and whose occupant administered a sobriety test — doesn’t exist because the equipment in question was broken.
Why on earth not just say so in the first place?
I would be inclined to take Garza at his word, since he’s a likeable and trustworthy officer who’s been a peach on previous assignments. But combine this with the city attorney’s very lawyerly refusal to comment on the existence or release of the tape, the city manager’s uncomfortable grimace when I told him I was still looking for it, the fact that not having a tape would be disastrous to any possible prosecution of Saenz for DWI and the executive session item on Christopher Davis’s request on the last city commission agenda, and I’m just not yet a believer.
I’ve asked Garza to dig me up any record that the equipment in question was broken.
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