Monday, July 16, 2007

A Look at Some Numbers

March 9, 2003. Bush, in office for a little over 2 years, sends American troops into Iraq to search for weapons of destruction. What began as a search for the mysterious WMD has now turned into a mission to secure democracy in Iraq, protect the U.S. against terrorists, and who knows what else, I lost track.

Below are some numbers in relation to the war that began in 2003.

American troops killed in Iraq

25- Rio Grande Valley
soldiers who have given their lives to President G.W. Bush’s failed plan.

Average age of the 3,000+ soldiers killed in Iraq.
American Blog

110- Journalists killed while on duty in Iraq
media support workers killed

Coalition forces representing 20 different countries have been killed in Iraq.
Of those soldiers:

from UK , 32 Italy, 20 Poland, 18 Ukraine, 13 Bulgaria, 11 Spain, 7 Denmark, 5 El Salvador, 4 Slovakia , 3 Latvia , 2 Romania, 2 Estonia 2 Netherlands , 2 Thailand , 2 Australia , 1 Canada , 1 South Korea , 1 from Hungary , 1 from Kazakhistan , 1 from Fiji.

Vacation's All I Ever Wanted, Vacation Had to Get Away

63- Visits Dubya Bush has made to his rancho in Crawford since taking office in Jan. 2001.
Vacation days Dubya has taken since the Supreme Court made him president.
ABC News, April 2007

We hear about soldiers every day, but lest we forget Iraqi civilians? How many have people have been killed since war began? Iraq Body Count gives those details.


Anonymous said...

pinche bush

Anonymous said...

Well written article.