Kino Flores, Que no Sabe?
That he just isn't as well liked as he believes himself to be?
After an overwhelming response on my blogger polls, support for State Rep. Kino Flores is at a low. Alright so I'm not just going on the polls posted here but observations and talk around the valley.
It's not just the valley, Texas Monthly recently gave Kino a "Dishonorable Mention" among TX Legislators. Stating that:
Kino Flores is one of the least trusted members. When he presented his bill to provide tax breaks for RV trailers in Hidalgo County, he represented that local officials supported his bill and that no other county was affected. Neither was true.
Flores has even got sly in his campaign tactics by posting a few billboards marketing our state capitol. A political ad in disguise indeed.
There is hope for District 36, for the first time in years, el KFC will have an opponent in Sandra Rodriguez.
Start gearing up Kino, Robert Jackson's $360,000 can't fund your whole campaign, he's up for re-election in La Joya and also needs to pay salaries to Board members' daughters.
This certainly promises to be a very interesting race.
Sly is too nice a word for Kino. He is as crooked as they come! This election he needs to be watched very carefully. He has lots of tricks up his sleeve.
Sandra's husband has burnned some bridges along the way. because of this i see kino taking it 3 to 1
Kino has made a lot more. He gets dumber and sicker with each passing day. I hope he gets fried in his election and by the FBI.
I meant enemies. Kino's made lots of enemies. Hell, in less than one year he lost Joe Flores who helped him with the la joya school race that proved to be a mistake. Face it, the guy is a moron.
Agreed, the guy is sleazy and as crooked as they come. But, judging by the idiocy of the voters (i.e. look at La Joya ISD's recent school board election) he will get re-elected into office since it is apparent people don't vote on the issues. Plus, I'm sure Kino has a very healthy campaign war chest just overflowing with money from all those kickbacks. There are to many money grubbing lobbyists and businessmen who have profited from Kino who will not want to see him gone, so you can count on them pouring it on as well.
This is the reality's sick and disgusting, but the Truth of the matter is that the almighty dollar will translate into mucho mucho votes for the KFC.
Umm truth, the fact of the matter he has even pissed off some of them money grabbers. What people forget is that when you promise one thing it all goes downhill.. You stand to please others while pssing off others just as powerful, thereby igniting a huge war... Think about it....
I agree with anonymous 5:21 PM August 5. He has made plenty of people angry and it is well known that the man just can't be trusted.
Truth, I disagree. Mucho dinero sometimes isn't enough. If the person can't be trusted mucho dinero won't come the person's way. Remember these people work on the basis of you scratch my back , I'll scratch yours. When they see they don't receive they just don't give. Simple!
who is sandra ? i have not seen or heard about here.
Sandra Rodriguez, the lady running against Kino.
I think what the poster at 9:25 meant was what is her story? Ever served office? All I know is that she is married to attorney Fernando Mancias and that she herself has been pretty active in her community.
Forgive me for the defeatist attitude but I find it so hard to be optimistic given the current situation in LJISD. How much more blatant could things be. The party that Kino Flores was/is backing was consistently in the papers for the shenanigans they were pulling, and just the sheer idiocy of the materials they sent out to voters should have been enough to show the Truth of the situation. I've lost all faith in the voters of Western Hidalgo County. Kino could get busted with 1000 lbs of cocaine tomorrow, and the people would still vote for him.
Maybe you guys are right about this, and I'm just to pessimistic about things, but I'm pretty sure about one thing, Kino will do well in Palmview and Mission. God I hope I am wrong though.
Well with his and those on his side crooked ways is the only way they win. I don't think they won the election legally. I really don't.
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Kino will also do good in pharr.
maybe not. Sandra's has a pretty strong base there- Kino's hold is in Palmview-Mission, but people there have gotten pretty disgusted with him
Im so sick of Kino Flores. The guy needs to be brought back to reality and held accountable for his deeds, and it's up to us the voters to do it.
Nowbody knows who Sandra is. We only kow her husband. Kino will do good in Pharr the swing will be Hidalgo.
you are right 11:25, people may not know who Sandra is, but A LOT of people know who Kino is and A LOT of what they know is not good. Those who know him in Pharr can work against him in that area.
Sorry 9:27 but you hit the nail right on the head and not in a positive way. People know who he is, and therefor when the "bus" and the politiqueras come to the house to pick up voters, you know they will vote with the only name they are familiar with-no matter how shameful his tenure in office has been.
it seems that kino is working Pharr pretty hard. just last night at one of the local coffee shops there were several cars with KINO stickers on them.. right on sandra's back yard.
Gotta start early. Kino's got the advantage of having had no opponent for years, so he has plenty of leftover campaign material. Sandra's gotta start from scratch
so whats up with lee roy he cant decide who side he is on. he keeps trying to keep th peace with his old friends, but no ONE TRUSTS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!would you?
hey i heard lee was making some calls to billy leo that he really needed some help. for what he is in a great job. with a great boss, dont for get a powerful boss as he says or is he having 2nd thoughts?????
Anonymous said...
hey i heard lee was making some calls to billy leo
come on you must have more that this..
Are Rene Garcia and his wife really working on Kino's campaign? If so, that proves a lot about their character and loyalties (or lack therof). Rene ran for school board against Kino's cronies. Now he's just anther one of them. how sad.
Ok, reality check.. Kino, no matter what he is, is the strongest candidate by far. He will take Palmview, Penitas, Mission, Hidalgo and Pharr. All mayors have publicly endorsed him. As for Sandra's "annie's list" endorsement, it didn't happen. They publicly said, they would not endorse any candidate, until the general election. As for everyone jumping ship left and right, maybe they found greener pastures..
Kino put in a couple of Mayor endorsements. And did not get their presence at his fund raiser. Open you eyes his not gonna cut it.
As for Sandra's "annie's list" endorsement, it didn't happen.
You're right Annies List usually does endorse in General elections, and in Valley politics we all know this race IS the general election.
They hosted an event for her which sold out.
And according to the Rio Grande Guardian "The news that Annie’s List is getting behind the candidacy of Sandra Rodriguez for Texas House District 36 did not sit well with female members of Rep. Kino Flores’ staff at a political event Monday evening.
Would you please define your meaning of "endorsement?"
The golden boy "KINO" from the west side only cares about one person. HIMSELF. Second in line is his wife and sons. Third in line is Jorge and Irene. His supporters fall last. Go ahead. Vote for KINO. The biggest selfcentered asshole from the west side.
Writer @ 4:26; no, don't hold back......tell us how you really feel about Kino! :)
Sandra Rodriguez's Campaign "Kick-Off" Date: Thursday, October 18th, 2007 Time 6pm to 8pm Location: Holidome 200 W. Expressway 83 Mcallen, TX 78501
Sandra Rodriguez will be running for State Rep. District 36. I encourage you and your families to make a wise choice and support Sandra with her campaign. We don’t need selfish people claiming to represent us, “The People”. She is a person of integrity that truly cares about people like me and you. She won’t buy our vote and she won’t ask for money to protect us. What she needs is our support so that she can be our voice. Thank you for your time.
I don't think kino is gonna get a lot of money from Roberto Jackson since Jackson has to pay fito's daughter Frances 5,000 a month and 10,000 to Mauro Reyna the attorney taking his place at the board meetings. He was removed from the public eye after he got blasted by Mr. Munoz from Austin, for his comment about having "farmers with a hat" conducting the district's business.He also has to pay board member Arturo Gonzalez daughter who work for him, and Fito's and Kino's cut, you get the picture. And yes, Jackson is up for re-election but he's gonna have some opponents and one of them is his own sister, that knows all his crooked ways, and all the people he has registered in La Joya who in fact live in other cities. I hope she'll do it I certainly will vote for her.
Who is Robert Jackson's sister? This is like a soap opera. Why are some alleging that he is a child molester? Is there some merit to that rumor? I thought he was the school's attorney, why does he have to run for re-election?
Gregoria Jackson. Don,t know facts about rumor. He is the highest paid school attorney in the valley, who also employs Fito Salinas' daughter to the tune of $65,000 @ year. Some kickback eh! He has to run for re-election because he is a city councilman.
I find it amazing that all of this is going on in what used to be my favorite place in the world. Why can't public servants really just serve the public? If your calling really is to serve, then please serve and serve faithfully. You will never be rich in terms of dollars but the self satisfaction of serving the community should be enough. Now it just seems like people are really in it to see how much they can siphon off and put in their pockets. That's not public service, that's self service.
Anonymous at 9:25 AM said "I find it amazing that all of this is going on in what used to be my favorite place in the world. Why can't public servants really just serve the public? If your calling really is to serve, then please serve and serve faithfully. You will never be rich in terms of dollars but the self satisfaction of serving the community should be enough. Now it just seems like people are really in it to see how much they can siphon off and put in their pockets. That's not public service, that's self service." I agree. Everyone keeps saying that Billy was making money from being in charge and putting in certain people to work in the school district, but from what I have observed, these people have totally caused chaos in my beautiful city that had NEVER been seen before. I see nothing but ugliness going on because of their lust for power. Most of the people causing this uproar don't even like being from the area, bitching about it and not even educating their children here, yet they want to "rule" over us anyway. People like Ruben Alaniz REALLY care about the La Joya area, it's just that he's not aligned with one certain group. I like that about him because at least you know he's honest and not in it to get a piece of the pie. There are plenty more people like him who truly care about making LJISD a success, we just have to hear them out and not listen to WHO is backing them, i.e. Kino. I believe if you don't think La Joya is good enough to educate your children, then you have NO business making decisions for the rest of OUR children. You are only going to be concerned about lining your pockets, so don't get involved in the decision-making that is going to affect my kids! I am thoroughly disgusted with all the payoffs and political strings being pulled so that board members kids' can get paid big bucks, WITHOUT a college degree!!!! That thought just makes me SICK! Why bother working for an education if it's not what you know, but WHO you know, (or in this case, who you're related to). Well, that's about all I have time to vent about for now.
Concerned Taxpayer
I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link
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