Sunday, June 10, 2007

VroomVroom! Next Bus Stop: Palmview I.S.D.

I was at friend's place this evening and got into watching Days of Our Lives on the Soap channel. It has been many years since I watched this whacky show so I had to get my friend to explain to me who the characters were and what their relation was to everything and everyone. Two main families, the Bradys and the Hortons, dominate the show. In one family we have a cop named Bo Brady married to woman named Hope, a member of la familia Horton. Bo, although adopted by Sean Brady, is actually biological son of Victor Kiriakis (in typical soap fashion, Bo's mom had an affair). Bo and Hope have a son Sean, who had a child with Belle Black. Belle was once married to Phillip, Bo's younger half bro and Sean's uncle. Belle's half sister, Sami Brady, is married to Lucas, el half brother de Phillip, and the step-son to Victor. Lucas is  biological son of one of the Hortons, making him a cousin to Sean and Hope. Follow? Sounds pretty incestuous don't it? - almost like the City of Palmview and La Joya I.S.D.

Per the LJISD website:
The La Joya Independent School District, located in the western portion of Hidalgo County consist of more than 226 square miles stretching west of Mission to Sullivan City, including the smaller communities of La Joya, Palmview and PeƱitas. Boundaries extend from the United States border formed by the Rio Grande River to the 13 mile line near McCook. La Joya ISD is one of the fastest growing school districts in Texas with an estimated increase of 1,400 students per year.
A lot of growth means a lot of construction (contracts, contracts!) and naturally, the need for a newer, larger Central Office. A main office that may just be moved and built in Palmview, Tx. Ok, La Joya I.S.D. main quarters in Palmview. Make sense? I will tell you who this makes sense to.

Of the seven members,
six reside in greater Palmview. Board VP Fito "I hate liars" Salinas and his wife Mary, an alderwoman in La Joya, reside in La Joya, Tx. I'm sure La Joya is proud to have them.

As I mentioned in a previous post, current Board President Rita Uresti's husband
Antonio Uresti- the principal who went uncertified for years, was later given a second chance to redeem himself when he renewed his certificate and did so by producing a TEA academically unacceptable school- Remember how Tony U was conveniently promoted to Asst. Sup. of Human Resources? Antonio Uresti, husband to la Rita U., is an alderman in Palmview.
Johnn (emphasis on the second "n") Alaniz, LJISD School Board Secretary, is the city manager in Palmview.
Jerry Perez, recently promoted to Director of Transportation, is also an alderman in Palmview.
Jorge Garcia, mayor of Palmview, is married to Irene Garcia, a politiquera currently being questioned for questionable acts performed during the 2007 LJISD School Board election.
Aida Rivas, the city secretary in Palmview, was appointed as a judge during this same election.
Aleida Saldana, another Palmview city employee joins Secretary Rivas and
Politiquera Irene Garcia on the list of the deposed.

Mayor Garcia is also the proud father in-law of State Representative
Ismael "Kino" Flores. Kino sabe was the political operative behind the infamous Uresti, Salinas, and Alaniz campaign in 2006, and he also put lots of money and effort into backing the 2007 Arturo Gonzalez and Esperanza Ochoa campaign. Whew!

"The wheels on the bus go round and round."

Word is that 2 weeks ago,
paychecks made out to Palmview city employees-this includes custodians and police officers- were bounced around like a ping-pong ball. Whoa! What? Bounced?

** Earth to The Monitor , Univision, South Texas Paper, where are you? Great news here.**

This city needs some saving. I guess building the LJISD main office in this city would help the cash-flow in Palmview, eh?

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