Tuesday, July 31, 2012


"There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
and a time to every purpose, under Heaven.

Good day to those who may read this. I have been gone a while and OMG! Have I missed much?

Since my last post:

I anxiously awaited the return of the Lost Boys  sequel that never came and instead settled for painful, repetitive seasons of the Bachelor and Bachelorette.

Not much has changed in the Good ol RGV. 

My last story involved that of the now retired State Rep. Kino Flores.

 Like many before him,  we thought the convict would lay low and have the people forget this ever happened. Nope. Instead,  the man has gone from big boy in the Texas House to Big politiquero in the dog house.  La Joya ISD has given the former Rep. so much reverence that he is often thought to be superintendent of the multi-million school district.

A convict running a school district? Dude. Go home. Let people forget about you now and remember any good deeds later.  a

Around the WORLD

Croatia has joined the stable UN
Terrorist bombed hotels in Jakarta
The fight continues in Iraq and Afghan, as have civilian and American casualties.
So ended the era of a Bush and nearly began another Clinton era..  Voters would not have it.
OMG! We elected an African-American President. OBAMA ROCKS!  (But Hilary Clinton would have kicked ASS) Dumb POLITICS!
Mass shootings have not ceased and it seems as if someone's out to break a sick record each time.
Freddy Krueger continues to be revived but Jaws I think is gone for good.
Gay marriage is still not so legal but advocates straight and non-straight and strong continue to fight the good fight.
The "war on woman" has been launched. And yows! It is crazy!
Our economies have gone from bad to Suck
Economies around us are sucking too and Mexico's violence has just gotten depressing.

And as I write, our USA NBA stars are bouncing their balls in London in hopes of bringing home the gold; politics continues to rip and entertain; the war on drugs continues;

What have we got?  The Byrds said:

"A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late..