Wednesday, March 26, 2008

LA JOYA ISD. Definite Jewel of Shame

The courts ruled that election misconduct had indeed occured in the May 2007 LJISD School Board election that pitted incumbent Elma Garza and former LJISD board member Domingo Villareal, Jr. against incumbent, Arturo Gonzalez and new-comer Espy Ochoa. Irregularities, intimidation tactics and a great deal of incompetence was prevalent in the May election, so much so that a district judge and the Texas 13th District Court of Appeals deemed the election null and void and called for Hidalgo County to conduct another election.

A series of negative, front page headlines since 2006; blatant nepotism, an overpaid lawyer (360K per year, the highest in the valley) that may have been hired to funnel his school salary to campaign funds, along with a necessary do-over election due to the lack of "freedom and fairness" did not deter 2.500 residents from electing Arturo Gonzalez, Jr. and Espy Ochoa to the La Joya ISD Board of Directors. Ochoa and Gonzalez won their election fairly- the second time around.

But what do the numbers really tell us? A few weeks ago a Gonzalez-Ochoa supporter stated
"We're going to triple those votes to prove that we need justice for everything in our school system,"

Triple, eh?

Recently, a woman by the name of Sandra Rodriguez gave the "GO-USA" ringleader Kino Flores, a long-time State Rep. with a strong financial war chest, what could be considered the fight of his life. Were it not for the financial support of buddy CradDick and other republican lobbyist buds, Flores may not have been able to hold his seat another term.

  • In 2006 when Rita "big mouth" Uresti, Fito "I hate liars"Salinas, and Johnn Alaniz first took office they did so with more than 1,000 voes.
  • May 2007, Espy and Arturo G may or may not have won by less than 400 votes;
  • March 25, 2008, the "GO-USA" team led with way less than 150 votes.
A free and fair race it was and a very close election it was... "Triple the votes" it was NOT.  Was it good enough for the children and tax-payers of La Joya ISD? Last night, 2,500 people believed so. One can only hope that Ms. Ochoa will open her mind and think unlike her fellow counterparts, including Arturo Gonzalez, who ironically, voted to TAKE AWAY THE BUSES a few years ago.
What brought this 2 questionable candidates to victory last night? Was it voter's self-gratification? fear? retaliation?  Blind faith?

Oh wait, I know...... it was definitely the irresistible, classy charm displayed by Rita Uresti and Fito Salinas.